
Tuesday 30 July 2013

So I've got this friend who I've known since I was in year 9 in high school, I won't use her real name for privacy reasons but I'll just call her Annabeth, she's great fun to hang with, she's really funny and she's got a lot of good qualities, but she also has a lot of bad qualities that make her seem like a really shallow and immature person, she's really inconsiderate and highly self-absorbed, her parents seem to encourage that behaviour and mindset from what I've seen, she's selfish and doesn't understand why people have different interests to her, when she finds out that someone like's something that she doesn't, she tries to convince them that it's not important, she tries to convince them that it's stupid and lame and she tries to make them forget about their interests, she's tried it with me before but it didn't work, the first time she tried it, we had only known each other for about six months or so, when she had found out that I love Harry Potter she asked me why, then she told me what happens in the story at the end, saying that it was really lame and that I shouldn't bother with it, I know that what she told me about it was all a big fat lie and I couldn't believe how inconsiderate she was being, friends are supposed to support their friend's interests, not belittle them and genuinely make fun of them, I realised what a liar and a hypocrite she was when she got all excited when Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban came out in the cinemas, she got really into Harry Potter after that movie, she's also really judgemental of everything that she doesn't understand, which is a lot of things even though she's quite bright academically, I swear she was born in the wrong decade as she likes almost all music from the 70s and 80s, she also dresses in clothes that were in style in the 70s and 80s, she just expects everyone around her to like what she likes and get's upset and confused when people don't have the same interests as hers, she goes out of her way to get what she wants and only tries to console people when they get upset just to save face, she's also really lazy and doesn't like doing things for herself, she'll wine and bitch until she doesn't have to do it, although there have been a few times were it  hasn't worked, she acts like she's flat broke even though she makes about a thousand bucks a month, she also asks me to buy things for her that just 'doesn't have time to buy' and when I do it for her, she doesn't pay me back and she doesn't think that she has to either, if I do something that she doesn't think is 'right' she'll try her best to convince me to do it her way, it never works but she still tries, she also takes like a million years to get ready for anything and I'm always chasing her ass, she can't seem to do anything on her own and she's the biggest princess you'll ever meet because her parents do almost everything for her, she still lives at home rent free, her parents do her washing, her mother cleans her room, they pay her phone bill, they pay for her car, they pay for her fuel, they pay for her car maintenance, they pay for her food and everything else because they also act like she's flat broke as well even though she earns double what her parents own put together, if her mother asks her to feed her dog and cat, she'll act like it's the biggest inconvenience in her entire life, she expects me to be her personal assistant and follow her everywhere so she doesn't have to be responsible for anything, she's actually a total bitch with a sweet, innocent mask, it's like she thinks I'm her second mother and it's really annoying, when she asks for help for anything she expects me to do it for her, she also doesn't seem to understand that other people aren't as well of as her, when she asks me to go out clubbing or drinking with her she doesn't understand when I say no from time to time even though I repeatedly tell her that I can't afford it and that I currently don't have a job, it's like she expects people to be a perfect carbon copy of her and her parents either don't see it and also encourage bad behaviour or they tolerate it because she's their only daughter, she also doesn't like to share because she has never had to before, when me or my other friend Lisa, who is a lot closer to Annabeth, suddenly take a bit of her popcorn for instance she acts like we've just stolen her food, she clearly doesn't understand the concept of 'sharing' she cares about no one except herself and only expresses concern for her fellow human beings for appearances sake, the only reason I tolerate her and hang out with her is because I'm a nice person and I think I can change some of her bad behaviour and because she doesn't have a lot of friends because she always hangs out with her mother and the rest of her family, besides all of the negative things about her, I still put up with her to prove her wrong about all of her misconceptions about people and life, in my opinion, she will be the worst roommate ever when she finally leaves home, and she won't be able to function when she lives alone because no one will be there to be her personal slave, I pity her husband and children, I know it's horrible to say but it's true, and I always tell the truth, even when it hurts, I'm also a very moral person, I'm a firm believer in ethics and doing the right thing, I love to help people and I hate shallow and selfish people, but I believe in second chances, I realise that it looks like I'm just having a huge bitch fest but I was in the mood for some venting 

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